Welcome In.

Hello, friends. My name is Kimmy, and I'm a witch. Kitchen witch, green witch, eclectic witch... whatever title you think fits, is what I am. I am also a solitary practitioner, and I've never belonged to a coven.

I've been a witch, a Pagan to be specific, for over 25 years and I'm excited/nervous to bring what knowledge I have to the internet. As a witch, I am forever practicing and will never have all the answers, but seek knowledge and growth daily. The world has grown smaller when it comes to learning, since the days I began walking my path. There is literally SO MUCH information at our fingertips these days. I'm writing this, to begin with, for the friends I have that are on their own similar paths, but maybe are just starting out, are in the broom closet, and don't know where to go to get solid info. Here I am. 

I am a Certified Crystal & Chakra healer, and most people know that I do indeed sell crystals and metaphysical supplies. 2023 is the year of the Sage Moon witch... aka me. 

Blessed be 🤍


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