March Full Moon Tips: Worm Moon

 It felt like spring yesterday... of course, now we're back to cold and I'm wishing for that 70 degree weather again. I've been sick for the better part of a week, sick being a relative term, of course. I'm mainly tired, because I have kept myself up nights coughing. Doctors say it's allergy/sinus related so I'm going to be working on a video about that soon too.

Tonight is the March full moon, called the Worm moon. Many believe that it's called the Worm moon because earthworms are starting to make an appearance. I'm guessing that's not inaccurate because one of my dogs was rubbing on the ground earlier this morning!

This is the final full moon of the winter season, starting over the cycle of the  year. Our next full moon will be fully in the spring season! This is definitely a time for transformation and change. Everyone is going to feel the effects, but here are the basics by sign. After that, some ritual ideas!

ARIES: You're starting out fresh this month, tying up loose ends and making small steps to achieving big dreams. Launch big plans after the solstice for best results. Consider doing your spring cleaning at the end of the month for the best outcome. This is a month for growing, so don't expect instant results!

TAURUS: Your social life is the focus here, at least for now. Accept invites, maybe change up your circles, and see what new opportunities arise. Consider yoga or meditation around the solstice and you may want to keep it up as a new routine! This is a good month for you, make the most of it.

GEMINI: It's time for you to stand out! Bump up your reputation, show off that stuff you're working hard on, and finally get some rewards. While this month is a growing month for you, there's plenty of opportunities to be found, some with long-reaching outcomes, so go for it!

CANCER: If you've been feeling stuck, this month is the perfect time to veer off to a new course - and if you stay on it, it'll be magical! It's time to put in energy and effort into the things you want to happen, be it business or otherwise. Make the hard decisions this month, you'll make the right ones!

LEO: Change and growth for you this month is going to come from the inside out. Focus on healing yourself and you'll find your authentic self. Define your goals, and take that leap of faith because it can pay off big if you stick with it. Trust your intuition to guide you this month!

VIRGO: It may be time for you to retreat inward a little. Neglecting your self-care is done, it's time to be kind to yourself. Consider acting on a dream you've always wanted to make come true. Now is the time to look toward improving your life in all aspects!

LIBRA: Are you happy in your situations right now? If you're not, it may be the right time to make a move and change that. Find your creativity. While you're transforming your life this month, be careful not to hold on too tight to the things you desire. 

SCORPIO: Time to kick into gear! Work is the focus for you this month, and if you've been contemplating a change or a second gig, now's the time to dive in. It's also a great month to focus on bad habits and get rid of them, then start some good new ones in their place!

SAGITTARIUS: You're going to be working hard this month, so you need to remember to take time out to restore your mind, body, spirit and soul. Try out a new hobby and see if it speaks to you! You're going to throw yourself into some of your work so be picky on what you do!

CAPRICORN: You're ready to declutter and streamline this month, so go for it! While doing that, you might want to think about changing the way you do things. It'll make life easier and you'll get closer to achieving goals. Transformation is key this month - why not transform your space?

AQUARIUS: Get organized this month! You want to start working on your finances, so watch out on the impulse purchases. Moving in a new direction with work? Launch it later this month for sure. You're primed and ready for change, so clear your space and head and get ready for it!

PISCES: You're going to want to buckle down this month and try to daydream less. Be bold but cautious in the ways of work and business, but make those moves at the end of the month.Growth for you this month will be inside. Focus on healing old trauma and letting go of the past.

Of course, as with many full moons (not all), it's the perfect time to make moon water and charge crystals. The energy is calm and strong and not chaotic, focusing on growth and change.

This is a great night to light a chime candle, and sit outside with the moon, meditating on the goals you have, the steps you want to take, and where you want to be in the future. Manifesting your future dreams and success is a great way to get started on the path to being there.

With a moon showing so much tendency to growth, a cord-cutting ritual might also be a good idea. While a lot of people know cord-cuttings for severing ties between people, it can also help to break bad habits. All you really need is two candles, salt, and some ribbon or twine. Herbs or crystals are all amplifying tools but you DON'T need them. Again, when doing a cord cutting, manifest and meditate on the goal.

Shadow work. This is hard for all of us, as it really exposes our hidden, inner self to our conscious self, but again, transformation and growth stem from shadow work also.

For me, I'm going to connect with nature and dig myself into the earth to become more connected. I may share that ritual with you guys tonight on TikTok. 

Blessed be, friends!


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