February Tips and Tricks - Snow Moon ritual

Hello friends! Today is the full Snow Moon, which has a lovely meaning aside from the cold imagery the name invokes. The Snow Moon is a time to start a cycle of self-care and analyzing personal relationships. This month, some friendships and even romantic relationships will be under a microscope - and if the connection is strong and true, it will endure. However, if there is a weak, superficial, or negative connection, this month may be the time to break away. I suggest definitely taking some time to do introspection, either through meditation or journaling, to see if you're truly happy with all the relationships in your life.

For the full moon, I always charge my crystals. The full moon energy (when it's not a chaotic energy) is wonderful for the work we do. I simply take the crystals I use the most (and some I know I'll be using in the future), and place them in a bowl or box and take them outside to rest under the full moon's light until morning. For me, I'm up before the sun, so I have no problem getting them inside before it's daylight.

I also always make moon water, because a sip of that in the mornings, with a whispered wish or affirmation for the day, can really get the mojo moving.

This time, I also took my personal Florida Water outside to charge. I use this for cleansing, and while the bottles I have in stock for selling are charged under the waxing moon (for beautiful building energy), I personally prefer the full moon spirit.

Tonight, because I've been very disconnected from practicing due to family-related stress (my mom has been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks), I decided to do a Drawing Down the Moon ritual as well, which you can see on my TikTok, @itskimmyb.

For the chant, see below. This is a standard chant, but you can always adjust to fit your needs!

Mother Goddess, lend me your light,

Give me your power on this magical night.

I invoke you into my being and soul,

Fill up my vessel, make me feel whole.

I stand before you in awe and in love,

I cherish your gifts you send from above.

I ask you tonight to show unto me,

My mother, my Goddess, so Mote it Be!


Points of interest for the month:

Stone ~ Amethyst
Scent ~ Lavender, Jasmine
Colors ~ Whites, Silver, Blues
Foods ~ Breads, Dairy, Bananas, Lemons, Blood Oranges, Shellfish, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Sweet
              Potatoes, Wild Game

Self-Care ritual ideas: Bathing, Fasting, Journaling, Scheduling time for reading, etc.
Reinvention is the key word through the 18th, with Aquarius in control
This is the best month to start spring cleaning! Cleanse and protect your home and yourself.

Blessed be, friends!


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